Monday, November 29, 2010

If you have children, you HAVE to get this ....

Elf on the Shelf ...

This little Elf is a great daily tradition for your children and family.  These are sold everywhere for around $25!

The story is this ~ you receive this Elf from someone and open the box.  Give him/her a name and once the Elf is named it becomes magic.  It sits on the shelf, watches and listens.  Each night the Elf flys back to the North Pole and reports to Santa about behavior and special requests for presents.  Your Elf can listen but cannot talk to you.  You cannot touch the Elf or his/her magic will go away.  In the morning, the Elf is somewhere different in your house.  It becomes a game each morning to find the Elf!  On Christmas Eve, your Elf goes back with Santa and returns next year on Thanksgiving night.  The Elf comes with a book with a wonderful story explaining all of this. 

It has brought such joy and happiness to my 4 boys ... they can't wait to wake up each morning and look for "Fred!"  It is a unique tradition that your children will enjoy. 

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy-
    OMGosh - This Elf and his story are soooo cute, my girls would have loved him growing up. We are all about traditions. We hide the pickle, put out cookies, etc etc. Will have to buy this to give to some child who will enjoy the magic.

    I also wanted to say thanks for stopping by my site. I love connecting with my readers.
    My best- Diane
