The challenge is to make it seem new to my boys. Yes, they enjoy the "new" clothes, but sometimes would like them to look a little different. HENCE .... iron on patches!!!
I have some really great sweatshirts, Russell, that are simple and plain.
I went to Michaels and bought 2 packs of iron on patches @ $2.99 per pack. I mean ... really?! S.O. Chaaaa-eeeap!
This is so very simple. Heat your iron to the hottest setting
Place the patch where you desire. Place a cloth (dish towel) over the patch, iron on top of the cloth and press down for about 15 seconds.
Then flip the shirt inside out, and repeat the process, holding the iron down for about 25 seconds.
Ta - Da! 2 "cool new" sweatshirts for my little guys. I washed and dryed them in the laundry and the patches stayed on perfectly. Yippee ... new clothes!

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