In the meantime, I wanted to write about our new food journey with a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). We signed up for a crop share hosted by D & A farm and each Wednesday we pick up a box of veggies straight from the farm. It's kind of exciting to see what's going to be in the box! Last week when I opened the box and found two HUGE, GORGEOUS heads of lettuce, I knew I was in love.
Some things I have ZERO clue what to do with... i.e.: turnips. Who actually eats turnips? How in the world do you cut them? What in the world do you do with them? How can I get my 2 year old son to eat a turnip? After much research online, I found a recipe that included the turnips and sweet potatoes in last week’s batch and shockingly enough, we actually LIKED turnips! I know. Equally surprised. Did my child eat them? No. But at least we ventured out of our cooking comfort zone and tried something new and different.
Here’s what’s in the box this week: Lettuce, boc choy, arugula, radish, winter squash and collards. Lovey hu?!
I'm looking for ideas on how to cook with any of this! The squash and lettuce I can do, but the radishes, collards and boc choy I’m clueless. Send me your favorite recipe using any of these things or just some ideas on how to cook them! Thanks!Katie
That's great! We have a huge garden and always wonder if we should do the CSA thing. I love the idea of it.