DE-Clutter Me!
I am sure all of you Moms, with children, or without children, have a messy corner ... somewhere in your house. BE HONEST. You know you do! Mine is in the kitchen.
Yeeeessss - it drives me absolutely baaaaaazerk!!! I have tried many different things to organize.
(B.T.W. I am an organizing freak! Always buying baskets, tins, shelving, stickers and labels...I cannot help it.)
So this is what I did over a week ago AND it is still clean and organized. Yeah! :)
Here we go:
*Basket placemats from Pier One Imports under coffee maker and hot water kettle. Nice. (Already had these - but LOVE them)
*Basket for all of the tech stuff, video camera, chargers and digital camera. Convienient.
*Basket on top of TV for Hubby's wallet and kids SILLY BANDS that end up on the counter. Super great.
*Cell phone charger wires bundled together with an extra bread tie. Crafty!
* Bamboo silverware tray from Wal-Mart turned upside down for my laptop. Wonderful!
I like to have my laptop in the kitchen .... recipies, check the school menu each morning and weather. However, I am ALWAYS worried that it is going to get wet with coffee or someone's cereal bowl milk. Lifting it up on this tray seemed to be the perfect idea.
Across the hall I added this wall organizer that I bought at Wal Mart for $14. I put my bills in it ... which used to sit in stacks on the counter.
Under it is a small dry erase board for MY daily list (ie; teach spinning @ 9:30am, go to football practice @ 6pm, buy Windex,etc). Below that is a large dry erase board for my boys to draw on. This keeps them from drawing on my walls! They LOVE it.
However, knowing me, the bills would stay in stacks in this organizer. SO, I cut the tops off 4 manilla envelopes, labeled each one with a week, and now stuff each bill due per week in the appropriate envelope.
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